Yukon: 3000 Kilometer im Kanu durch Kanada und Alaska
Myth Yukon. Hardly any other river stands so much for wilderness and adventure. The Yukon stretches over 3000 kilometers through the loneliness of the nordic tundra. In Canada, gold prospectors followed its course to the Klondike over 100 years ago. In Alaska it is the lifeline for the Indian villages to which no road leads. The Yukon flows through untouched, almost deserted nature. Bears, salmon and eagles are at home here. And at the latest since the novels of Jack London also dropouts and adventurers, who try to survive in the wilderness far away from any civilization...
For a six-part ARTE documentary series, the doctor and journalist Dirk Rohrbach encountered this myth. In the forests of Ontario, he built a traditional birch-bark canoe and sailed the Yukon from its source lakes to its mouth in the Pacific Ocean.
On his adventurous tour Dirk Rohrbach met hunters, fishermen and dropouts, talked to chiefs and trappers and ate caribou, elk and freshly caught salmon with locals. In doing so, he got to know a rough, merciless, but also always breathtakingly majestic world.