Krimis, Heimat und Klimbim - Das Beste aus der Glotze
"Krimis, Heimat und Klimbim" looks back at 70 years of German television history. From the first broadcasts of the 1950s to today's streaming services, Germans love television. Thanks to the boob tube, international stars are guests in German living rooms in both East and West: from "Ein Kessel Buntes" to "Wetten, dass ...?". Even German humor is gaining in stature thanks to TV shows by Otto or Loriot. TV news is witness to and sometimes part of history. This was the case with the GDR Monday demonstrations, which only became known in the East thanks to West TV reports. The television program opens a window to the world for Germans, fulfills longings and the need for a change from everyday life. Illusion and information alternate.